Before we talk about zeaxanthin and just how good it is for your eyes, listen to this little catchy song about how it can help in not having people call you four eyes :).
Zeaxanthin (a very important food for healthy eyes) is found in several of the common fruits and vegetables we eat but, rarely do we pay attention to this vitamin.
The drive for healthy eating continues to grow, but there are still many of us who eat purely for the purpose of satisfying our hunger. Our eyes are the windows to the world around us, and life can become pretty uncomfortable if they start going bad. The eyes require their own special nutrients to keep them healthy. Too many of us pay very little attention to the chemical component of the foods we ingest, and how they affect us when they become a part of our body. Our health actually starts with our choice of food. A deterioration of health sends us to the doctor for a quick fix (maybe worst), but the key to saving on health care begins with our eating habits and the choice of foods we eat. This article will focus on one of those very important yet not so popular nutrients which can be found in many of the foods we eat - zeaxanthin.